Transight is an on-premise comprehensive suite of F&B Business Management solutions designed for the small F&B operator to large-scale multinational enterprises spanning multiple properties across a geographically diverse locations.
Transight connects customers, outlet operations, suppliers and management via a seamless internet-based network. All software modules share the same core kernel, enabling the sharing of an intuitive user inter face.
Point-of-Sale (POS)
Customer Loyalty Management (ECLM)
POS Manager

A reliable front-end point-of-sale software solution designed specifically to manager the various aspects of the F&B industry
POS Manager
An automated Restaurant Management solutions specifically designed for the back office to manage costs.
Quickly design, roll out and manage effective restaurant loyalty programs simultaneously across all outlets that will not only attract new customers, but also turn your existing customer base into "ideal customers" who have the purchasing habits that will drive topline growth for your restaurant.
Designed for the management of franchise restaurants in the fast food and hospitality industries. Created to overcome the challenge of maintaining uniformity and consistency across multiple outlets, Transight Headquarter can help you coordinate changes in inventory, menu items, recipes, processes, promotions and more.
Keep track of your inventory movement and food costs by defining and managing recipe, yield and units of measurement.
Overview of

How Transight can assist to scaling up your business