C360Engage is an integrated POS platform that allows F&B operators to engage their customers via many channels that provides a holistic involvement & experience. C360Engage runs on hybrid cloud, allowing real-time access to restaurants data anytime, anywhere. C360Engage maintains business continuity should internet connectivity is temporary lost.
With the Omni-channel approach that is in-line with the ever trending digital lifestyle, C360Engage helps to keep the costs low, increase operational efficiency as well as grow the top line by extending your reach to customers.
KDS + Number Calling App
Main Pos
Waiter App
Diner App
eMenu + Kiosk
Boss App

C360Engage is designed from the ground up using the latest cloud and mobile technologies and built upon Cuscapi’s solid foundation of over 42 years in the F&B industry. Our solution is also hardware agnostic, affording our customers with further cost savings and freedom to use the hardware of your choice.
The strength of C360Engage are drawn from our expansive F&B experience and best practices which are translated into much sought after features as follows.
Diner App
Our unique Diner App allows customers the ultimate freedom to order and make payment right on their smartphones, just by scanning a QR code. This not only speeds up the ordering process, but also allows further cost savings with less hardware and less staff.
Real-Time Analytics
No more waiting for end of day reporting! C360Engage comes with real-time analytics that gives you an up-to-the-minute overview of your restaurants, all in the convenience of your smartphone.
Enterprise Inventory
C360Engage comes with an enterprise class inventory system that allows you to effectively manage your F&B inventories, covering the end-to-end process of stock management and most importantly costing.
Promotion Engine
Everybody loves promotions! Our in-built promotion engine allows you to run and handle a multitude of promotions to attract customers and increase revenue, without requiring your staff to remember the details and allow them to focus on serving the customers.
Integrated Payment
C360Engage integrated payment through a regional digital payment aggregator means that you can accept all kinds of payment methods, without having the need to negotiate for merchant rates.
Our innovative Diner App allows your customers, the diners to start ordering by just scanning a QR code, seated at the table. The in-app integrated payment means payment is a breeze, with a multitude of payment methods supported. Orders are sent directly to the Main POS and from there to kitchen, all without having the need of a waiter.
Diner App also support take-away orders where customers can order outside of the restaurant. Once the order is ready for pick-up, a notification will be shown in the Diner App on their smartphone. Say goodbye to long ordering and pick-up queues!
An Intuitive Point of Sales Application that can handle Million Transactions and is able to work without internet connection

Display real time orders on display. Empower staff to track order and preparation time, view summary of all orders and alerts if order have been delayed for too long.

Number calling is synced to Kitchen Display System (KDS). Order number calls automatically without additional steps and it is digital advertising
An intuitive electronic menu that allows customers to self order at the table, with mouth watery pictures and easy navigations. e-Menu is linked to the Main POS and the cloud back-end, making menu updates a breeze.
E-Waiter make orders instantaneously sent to main POS and kitchen apps. Waiter alerts when a kitchen order is ready to serve and bills can be settled directly from here without the need to go back to the POS
An interactive POS sales application that helps ease your sales while optimizing your manpower solutions
Boss App
Get real-time business analytics of your business and make business decisions you know will work